Monday, March 5, 2018

Catladyland Update

At this time, I am discontinuing posts on this blog, as well as on Catladyland's Facebook and Twitter. Things have gotten very busy for me (which is good!), and I don't feel like I can provide the best content for Catladyland, which I started in 2009. If you like my posts, you can follow me here:

Angie Bailey Facebook page 
Texts from Mittens Facebook page
Angie Bailey Twitter 
Texts from Mittens Twitter 
Texts from Mittens site (Tumblr) 
Angie Bailey Instagram

Also, I have an updated website!

Thank you, and I hope you connect with me on another platform so we can continue to have fun together.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Catladyland's Holiday Shopping Must-Haves for Cat Lovers

Have you finished your holiday shopping? Of course you haven't. If you're anything like me, you want to find gifts that are spot-on perfect for your friend or loved one. You want their mouth to hang open in awe and delight as they open a gift bag. Well, Catladyland is here to help you make that holiday dream a reality -- at least for the cat lovers who are on your shopping list.

Feast your eyes on these gems:

Fred Wine Lives Kitty Drink Markers

Shop Cats of New York Book

Black Cat Smartphone Stand

Best Cat Mom Ever Rude Cat Mug

Oh, and there's also one for cat dads.

Now Designs Set of Two Cat Oven Mitts

Classic Kit-Cat Clock

Barsone Cat Ear Headphones

Cat Hanger Closet Organizer

Happy shopping!

FTC Disclosure: Angie Bailey is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs.This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Is My Cat Real or Real Weird?

Phoebe does her best impression of "taxidermy cat on back of arm chair."

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The 2018 Texts from Mittens Calendar is Here

Friends, you can’t deny it: 2018 is right around the corner. Well, don’t despair -- the Texts from Mittens gang is here to provide you with a laugh-a-day in the new year. The 2018 Texts from Mittens calendar includes hilarious conversations between Mittens and his long-suffering mom, as well as fun puzzles, trivia and more on the back of each calendar page. This is your chance to be (almost) as tough and fancy as our favorite texting cat. Get yours here.

Catladyland and Texts from Mittens are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs.This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Share Your #PetPraising Pics With Purina and Win a Photo Shoot!

This post is sponsored by Nestlé Purina. I received compensation, but all opinions are my own. Catladyland only shares information we think would be of interest to our readers. 

It's National Pet Month, and Purina is doing their part by helping us celebrate what our pets do right. How many times do you say, "good kitty!" I know I must say it at least eleventy-billion times a day, along with such phrases as. "who's a good boy?," "who's the best kitty girl in the whole wide world?" We won't go into the voices that come out of my mouth while saying those phrases, but my guess is you use similar voices.

Here's the part where Purina comes in and joins you in a pink cloud of pet-praising goodness. They're inviting pet owners (just like you!) across the nation to share their special pet pics.

  • Take a photo of your pet with your unique pet-praising message -- similar to the one below of Phoebe.
  • Share your photo on


That's all you have to do. All photos submitted between April 26 and May 24 will qualify a professional photo shoot that'll be featured on How 'bout that?

And while you're on the Pure Love for Pets site, take a peek around at all the ways Purina is celebrating National Pet Month, and check out the new products they have to offer.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rejoice! Today is National Cat Lady Day!

It's about time cat ladies had their own day, and today is it. That's right, friends -- April 19 is, and shall always be, recognized as the official National Cat Lady Day.  

CatCon creator, Susan Michals, says of National Cat Lady Day: "The notion of the cat lady as a dowdy spinster has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Now it's chic to be a cat lady! Designers like Stella McCartney and Kate Spade are using cats in their designs, and celebrities like Dita VonTeese, Ke$ha, and Kate McKinnon are embracing their love of the feline with enthusiasm."

I, for one, and relieved that the world is finally realizing you can be a cat lady, and also be social, have a sense of style, and show some sass. 

Phoebe celebrates National Cat Lady Day by ignoring me.

To demonstrate how far we've come, CatCon created a video featuring the modern cat lady. Come on, girls -- it's time to fly your chic flag!

Get in on the National Cat Lady Day fun by using the hashtags: #NationalCatLadyDay, #CatCon, and #CatLadyCool

CatCon, the convention with cattitude, takes place on August 12 and 13 in Pasadena. Tickets go on sale May 2. To keep up with all things CatCon, sign up for the newsletter, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ceva Feliway® and Catego™ Keep Your Cat Calm and Comfortable

This post is sponsored by Single Edition Media on behalf of Ceva Cat.

I've always shared my life with more than one cat, so I'm familiar with the dynamics of multi-cat households. I've heard some people say they don't think cats have personalities, but I beg to differ ... big time. My kitties have always demonstrated distinct -- many times colorful -- personalities and each have had their own "vibe" in the home. Because of that, there's sometimes a bit of stress in the air.

For example, Phoebe is definitely way more dominant than Cosmo. She's little, but has no problem bossing him around, which creates anxiety for poor Cos, and a bit of in-fighting between the two. I'm always looking for ways to keep the peace, and one effective way is by using Ceva's Feliway®, which mimics natural feline facial pheromone.

Phoebe's already feeling more relaxed.

I remember using it when I first moved into my apartment because Cosmo was so anxious with his new surroundings. It definitely helped -- and it's been a welcome addition to my toolbox for peacekeeping between my two little fuzzbutts.

Studies found that Feliway® helped reduce urine spraying in nine out of ten cats within one month's time. It also helped reduce stress-related scratching in eight out of ten cats in as little as seven days. How cool is that?

Stress is diffused!

The Feliway® Multi-Cat Diffuser plugs right into the wall, and emits the pheromone that makes cats feel comfortable in their own environment. I love that there's no noticeable smell and it's not a drug of any kind.

Handy-dandy travel spray is the perfect size for my purse.

It's also easy to toss the Feliway® Wipes or Feliway® Travel Spray into your bag (or keep them in your car) for on-the-go needs.

Like many cats, mine are not fans of riding in a car, so when I moved I was worried about the stress of the long drive. They "sing" on the short drive to the vet, but I thought I might be in for a full-blown opera. I used Feliway® spray on the blankets inside their carriers and was quite pleased with the results. I love opera and all, but was happy to forego that particular performance.

Phoebe and Cosmo are ready.

My cats stay indoors, but I had no idea that parasites can find their way inside our homes.

Ceva's Catego™ is a powerful flea and tick formula designed specifically for cats. It's topical, and comes in an easy-to-apply tube with a patented applicator.

Easy peasy!

Even Cosmo, my skittish guy, sat still while I applied the formula, which is no small feat.

Catego™ kills fleas within six hours, and takes care of all life stages of ticks through contact. You can get a tick off your cat without ticking your cat off!

I'll always keep Feliway® on hand, and if you'd like to try it yourself, you can pick it up through your veterinarian. Catego™ can be purchased through Amazon and veterinarians -- plus, it'll soon be on the shelves at PetSmart.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Cat-Bathroom Haiku

I've come to expect
A visit to the bathroom
Always includes cats

Friday, March 3, 2017

Cat-Butt Dangle Love

Because sometimes it's relaxing to let your butt dangle over the edge of the chair. And sometimes (all the time) we humans think it's hopelessly adorable.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Cat's Flipped

It's not all that uncommon to find Phoebe with an ear flipped inside out. I always laugh because cats act so dignified all the time, so the ear-flip thing is extra funny. Normally, the ear pops back into place after a few minutes -- usually before I have a chance to grab my camera, of course. Yesterday, though, that flip stayed flipped ...

... for an entire hour! She even moved into another room! I know, I know -- it takes so little to amuse me.

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