Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Love Moderncat Toys! Would You Like to Win One?

Who doesn't love new toys? My cats were pleased as punch when Moderncat sent us a sample toy pack and asked us to write a review.  Here are the goodies that arrived in the toybox:

A Modkicker

Jute Bomb

Atomic Flyer

Felt Roller

The cats were immediately intrigued when I showed them the toys and Cosmo instantly went nuts for the Modkicker.  In fact, it was his and Saffy's favorite.  It is well constructed with designer fabric, felt trim, and filled with organic catnip.  It's been kicked and wrestled dozens of times already and looks as good as new.  What's not to like?

Cosmo gets up-close-and-personal with the Modkicker
Phoebe prefers hunt and chase games and the Jute Bomb was right up her alley.  She tirelessly bats it across the kitchen floor and races up and down the stairs after it.  She literally goes wild for this wonderfully simple cat toy.

"Give me that!!"

The Atomic Flyer was also popular and I knew the Felt Roller was a hit when I found it lying inside the cats' favorite box.

What I like most about the Moderncat toys is the simple, yet designer feel.  Your hipster cats can play the day away with these or any of Moderncat's cool designs found on their Etsy site.  We liked the products so much that Moderncat is offering Catladyland's readers an opportunity to win one of these fabulous feline toys!  I asked my three cats which we should give away and they all agreed the Modkicker would be a great choice.  Cosmo especially wanted me to mention the excellent kickability factor.  He was a little embarrassed to admit to his affinity toward designer fabrics, but I told him you wouldn't mind knowing that. about it?  Who wants to win a Moderncat Modkicker?!  The winner can choose any Modkicker (small or large) from the current selection. Please leave a comment on this post by noon CDT on Sunday, April 3rd and you'll automatically qualify.  The winner will be chosen by an online random number generator and announced on Monday, April 4th.  I will collect your shipping information and Moderncat will mail the prize directly to you, even if you live overseas!

So what are you waiting for?  Comment!!

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